The Rip Van Wrinkler, XVII, Issue 4, November 2013
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The Wrinkler is published quarterly: February, May, August & November. Deadline for receiving material for publication is the 1st day of the previous month. The contents of The Rip Van Wrinkler do not necessarily represent the opinions of the editors, or the membership. All rights to reproduce any part of The Rip Van Wrinkler® shall be done solely with the permission of the editors. The RVW Club is affiliated with the BCOA The Rip Van Wrinkle Basenji Club & Wrinkler ONLINE: As the Tail Turns BEAR STORIES by Karen P. Christensen A little weeknight excitement here in the 'Burg: Amber and I were cued to a black bear VERY near to where we were walking the boys, by a kind driver who stopped to alert us. Turned our heads to look before crossing the street and the bruin was about 200 feet away, also crossing the street! We alerted a neighbor who went to look, then at the next cross street we again saw the bear, who thankfully took no note of us. We called 911 on Amber's phone and did see cops cruising the usually-placid neighborhood. I don't think the lads spotted him, though they were definitely sensitive to our level of alarm, and likely eventually scented the critter as well. We rushed to get a daylight walk in with the woman-dogs even though the bear was probably well out of our range by then. It looked like a young bear and like it was on a mission, though trash night could be a big diversion for a scavenger. by Susan K-M I thought it would be fun to repint this from August, 1997: In Which We Meet a Bear & Think He's pretty OK & He finds Us Agreeable Too If all you know of Woodstock is, like, "Woodstock," let me tell you that we are in the Catskill Mountains & there's a town named Bearsville just west of the village, out past the 'flats.' And the bears do come around especially when there is an extreme condition such as the drought we're having this summer. There are foxes & coyotes & lots of deer & raccoons & possums & all the rest too. I've set the scene, so-- Big Crash! I run towards our screened porch were the Bs were 'hanging' & TRILL & NINER & GEM came running in. "WE Have to go out NOW," they chorus. OK--So we all run the other way to my bedroom window which is their way to their fenced backyard (very large, rocks & hills)--Up on the chest & out the window they go, followed by Hip Hop, Calliope & even SOPHIE, who at almost 12 needs a wee boost up--don't tell her I told you--promise! So, Picture this---THEY'RE ALL RUNNING OUTSIDE--& I finally go back to the porch to finally discover WHAT'S UP! There's a Large( for a Black BEAR anyway) bear smiling at me 'cause he has just overturned my l4 year old garbage dumpster & has sunflower seeds sticking to his flews 'cause there were 50 pounds of them in there. OMYGOSH! SO I run back to the bedroom window & do my sweetest, "pup pup pup pup--" & stick my head out 'cause there's no COMMOTION & THERE THEY ALL ARE, 4 at the fence (only 4 ft. high), nose to nose with SAID Bear. Hippy & Calliope, who must be wise in BEAR FACTS, standing sentinel on a large rock. OHNYOHMYOHMY! In the back room I run, get "cookie" jar, open wee back door, & whisper, "Cookies...." Never did understand the sense in screaming these things & they all trot in. "YOU CALLED, MOM? " I said, "Sit.." & they all did--always for a "cookie!" Tomorrow I'll deal with the remains of the bear's feast & now I'll go back to Monday Night (Preseason) Football. All's well with the dogs who think football is boring except when the 49ers are playing. Susan & the unwoofs Holley Olsson