The Rip Van Wrinkler, XIX, Issue 3, August 2015

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Hemopet is currently giving a 10% discount on Distemper and Parvovirus titers until September 7, 2015.

It is Dr. Dodds' suggestion that dogs should be titer tested for distemper and parvovirus every three years to ensure immunity is maintained against these viruses.

Hemopet will run the test and based on your dog’s age and breed, and will provide you with suggestions as to if your dog should receive a booster shot, or not.

Click HERE


Patty Ewing - Here's an interesting article just published about CORTISOL LEVELS DURING AGILITY COMPETITION in the Physiology & Behavior journal shared with me by our awesome behaviorist Terri Bright:

Evidence for a synchronization of hormonal states between humans and dogs during competition.
Here is the summary:

We examined human–dog interactions and hormonal changes during competition.

Elevations in cortisol levels were associated between dogs and their handlers.

Male handlers' dogs experienced greater increases in cortisol than females' dogs.

Handlers' behavior was not associated with changes in dogs' cortisol levels.

This study provides evidence for coordination of hormonal changes between species.

Social interactions with humans have been shown to influence hormonal processes in dogs, but it is unclear how the hormonal states of humans factor into this relationship. In this study, we explored the associations between changes in the cortisol levels of dogswith humans' hormonal changes, behavior, and perceptions of their performance at an agility competition. A total of 58 dogs and their handlers (44 women, 14men) provided saliva samples before and after competing. Dogs' saliva samples were later assayed for cortisol and humans' samples for cortisol and testosterone. Following the competition, handler–dog interactions were observed for affiliative and punitive behavior towards their dogs, and handlers completed questionnaires that included personal ratings of their performance. Structural equation modeling revealed that elevations in handlers' cortisol levels were associated with increases in their dogs' cortisol levels. Handlers' affiliative and punitive behaviors towards their dogs following competition were associated with their ratings of their performance, but these variables were unrelated to changes in their own cortisol levels and their dogs', implying their behavior did notmediate the relationship.

These findings suggest that changes in the hormonal stateswere reflected between humans and their
dogs, and this relationship was not due to handlers' perceptions of their performance or the behaviors we observed during post-competition social interactions. This study is one of the first to provide evidence for a
synchronization of hormonal changes between species.

S K-M photo, Patty & MACH 3 Danablu, startline.

Entire paper.

H3N8 virus, H3N2 virus
From Baker Institute for Animal Heath, at Cornell:

Canine influenza is a viral disease that causes symptoms similar to those experienced by humans with flu,including cough, sneezing, lethargy, fever, and discharge from the nose and eyes.

There are two known influenza viruses that can infect dogs in the United States.

Is there a vaccine for canine influenza?

There is vaccine available in the US for H3N8 influenza, but not for H3N2.

Although both strains of canine influenza are H3 viruses and share some traits incommon, the antigens of H3N2 are different from the H3N8 virus strain, so the H3N8 vaccine may not provide protection against the H3N2 virus.

The virus known as H3N8 canine influenza hasexisted in North America since 2000, whena strain of influenza in horses spread to dogs. Today, the H3N8 virus is mostly found among dogs living in animal shelters but is more widespread during outbreaks.

H3N2 was found in the US in 2015. First found in Asia in 2005 or 2006, H3N2 is derived from an avian virus that gained the ability to infect dogs. H3N2 has been found in household dogs, dogs in shelters, and in breeding facilities.

Entire Paper.