The Rip Van Wrinkler,
XVII, Issue 1, February 2013

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Debby Mayer

These days, living with Lulu is how I imagine living with an aging diva, Lauren Bacall or Katherine Hepburn—still beautiful, still demanding, but a little dotty.

Yuriy Milshteyn

On Dash's b-day: "Thanks, dear Karen.

Some people say, ‘You made my day’...

Dash makes every day of my life."

Andrea Stone

Dogs crack me up. Colleen and her boy, John, came over last night. Regan, Miss Outgoing, acted all shy and mama's girly. Zepar, The Anxiety Hound, showed off. If he was a child he'd have probably started tap dancing or trying out his comedy routine.

Sue Schulz

They both have little smiles on. (SK-M photo of Bob (Schulz) & M, Dec. 2000.)

Carolyn Garvey

Nicco at 12. And as cute as any 6 month old ..

Tamara E. Allen

Got to love the older dogs. Gloria who came to us at age 12, never was introduced to the make shift dog door we crafted in our slider (removed a pane of glass inserted rubber flap in our french door). She looks at it, nods, I got this, and just zips in and out. No classes necessary.

Love Gloria. Smart and sassy girl. {Ed. Gloria & Lulu are littermates}

Tamara E. Allen

Basenji 1, Bird 0. RIP brown bird... And thanks Josh and Mike for rescuing me from the mess. Stupid bird wandered into the house. Stella, her new name is Ms Killer Diller.

Susan Kamen Marsicano

So Gloria & Tippy just watched? BTW, tell Tippy that I watched the HBO film, "The Girl", about Hitchcock making "The Birds" & his obsession with Tippy Hendren, the blond.

Tamara Allen

Gloria saw the bird downstairs, blazed upstairs, dove under our bed. Stella zipped out to investigate. Basenji rocket chasing the bird. Tippy chased Stella. She was not getting the concept of this kill game. I nearly was hit in the head with the scared bird when it got upstairs, so I shrieked, fled to my bedroom. I called Tippy, she came, I grabbed her. Called Stella, she would not come until she killed the bird.. So I set the women's movement (apologies to all females) back a few decades and called Josh to rescue me. Sigh... Truth hurts. I am a wimp.

Susan Kamen Marsicano

You'd better not watch that HBO film. Nasty bird stuff, if you remember "the Birds".

Uh Oh! Here's Little in the birdbath.

Ashley Pistorio

Newton and Bella are proud of Stella. They have lots of experience in bird catching and distribution of pieces/parts as various toys. Heads make nice bouncy balls. Wings are great for tossing since they take a while to fall back to the ground. They're not sure why I won't participate in the games though.

Dan Sailor

Buddy, always the entertainer! I took him to the vet today for something very minor. Anyway I told the vet tech when she took him to the back "don't tie him up as he'll just chew through what ever you tie him with like he's done there before".

She says "OK". 1 minute later out marches Buddy from the back with wagging tail and a piece of chewed rope hanging off his back happily greeting all the dogs waiting with their owners.

Vet tech running out saying "that was so fast!" Everyone laughing. I said "I told you". 1 minute later here he comes marching out again with vet tech running behind behind" he slipped out of his collar". Of course everyone laughing. Happy Saturday everyone!

Yvonne 't Mannetje

When Dana is wearing her RED coat, she thinks that and behaves like she is SUPER WOMAN. According to Dana this coat gives her super powers and makes her untouchable, so she has nothing to fear.
Also, The more it freezes .... the naughtier they get.

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Karen Christensen

Chuck is curious about the puppies.